ADOT- 7 mile Haines Hwy
Chilkat Environmental was hired by Alaska Department…

Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska NALEMP- Anti-Personnel Stake removal
Chilkat prepared a workplan to remove about ten thousand…

Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska NALEMP – Navy Mess Hall PCB Characterization
Chilkat Environmental prepared the Cooperative…

Qawalangin Tribe Employee Sharing Agreement
In 2013 the Tribe required staff to support archival…

Korovin Lake Investigation
This report presents the results of an investigation…

Native Village of Eklutna – NALEMP – Investigation of Eligible Sites 2012
Chilkat Environmental cleaned up the Eklutna Army Site…

Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP – Army Drum Dump Remediation
Chilkat Environmental staff has been supporting…

Native Village of Eklutna – NALEMP- Eklutna Army Site Drum Dump Characterization Workplan
The Eklutna Army Site was used for winter warfare training…

Mountain Market – Contaminated Site Literature Review and Closure
This former gas station in Haines was partially…

Native Village of Hooper Bay – Brownfields
Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council hired…