Qawalangin Tribe 2015-2016
Chilkat Environmental was selected as the contractor to execute…

Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program – Statement of Qualifications
Chilkat Environmental has been working for Tribes with the Native…

Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska NALEMP- Anti-Personnel Stake removal
Chilkat prepared a workplan to remove about ten thousand…

Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska NALEMP – Navy Mess Hall PCB Characterization
Chilkat Environmental prepared the Cooperative…

Qawalangin Tribe Employee Sharing Agreement
In 2013 the Tribe required staff to support archival…

Qawalangin Tribe NALEMP Project Management
Chilkat Environmental has strong project management…

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Ecosystem Impacts
In 2014 Chilkat was contracted by the Aleutian…

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Predictive Model
Chilkat Environmental has been active in understanding…

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment: Haines Brewing Company
Chilkat Environmental performed this Phase 1 ESA…

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment: Haines Residences
Chilkat Environmental performed a Phase 1 ESA for…