Constantine Minerals LTD – Baseline water quality sampling

  • On-time

    -without modifications to original contract

  • Within Budget

    -without modifications to original contract

  • 2010


In 2010 Chilkat developed the Quality Assurance Project Plan for water quality sampling for 20 surface water creeks.  One round of sampling was performed in 2010 and 2011. Helicopters were used to access the remote sites. Sampling included baseline water quality parameters using portable meters as well as lab samples for metals.

Related Experience:

Chilkat has extensive experience developing EPA approved QAPP’s. Elijah developed the QAPP template with for the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society that includes AK approved methods for water and soil.   Tribes are using the template across the state to monitor environmental health.  Elijah also developed a series of 3 weeklong university accredited certifications to teach Alaska Tribal environmental staff to conduct standard operating procedures for water quality measurement.