Mountain Market – Contaminated Site Literature Review and Closure

  • On-time

    -without modifications to original contract

  • Within Budget

    -without modifications to original contract

  • 2011


This former gas station in Haines was partially excavated in 2003 to remove contaminated soil.  Groundwater wells and an air sparging system were installed to monitor and encourage attenuation of remaining contamination.  These activities continued until 2011 when Chilkat Environmental was requested to replace the existing environmental consultant to continue remedial activities.  Upon review of 9 years of active remedial effort and annual sampling Chilkat determined the air sparging system had been underwater and ineffective.  Data from the wells had not changed nor was it being used for the purpose of decision-making.  Instead of proposing to perform the unnecessary work as requested Chilkat achieved closure with no additional work as should have been done years previous.
