Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program – Statement of Qualifications
Chilkat Environmental has been working for Tribes with the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) in Alaska for 14 years. Clean-up of environmental impacts on Native lands is important to us. We truly care about this work and have more experience with NALEMP in Alaska than anyone else in the field. The Chilkat Environmental NALEMP team includes: Elijah Donat, Environmental Engineer and Principal Investigator with 14 years of experience on NALEMP in Alaska; Bruce Wright, Senior Scientist with 35 years of experience working in Alaska and 6 years NALEMP experience; Jacklynn Ruggirello, Environmental Scientist with 10 years of experience with NALEMP; William Prisciandaro, Fish Biologist and Environmental Scientist with 13 years experience including 8 years with NALEMP; and Eric Forster and Kevin Forster who work as Environmental Technicians, each with 5 years of NALEMP work experience for Chilkat Environmental. Other part-time specialists offer support as needed.
One-third of Chilkat Environmental’ s work is NALEMP while the rest of our projects are comprised of contaminated sites restoration, project management, planning and scientific research.
Over the last decade we cleaned up extensive military impacts ranging from building debris to buried stockpiles of drums filled with hazardous chemicals.
We maintain clients by demonstrating quality, cost and schedule performance. NALEMP provides Tribes resources for military caused environmental issues that could harm people. Chilkat offers a highly accomplished team that understands the importance of this work.
NALEMP experience:
-Elijah worked for the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society in Anchorage and provided technical support to Alaska NALEMP Tribes. This included providing a series of three University accredited workshops on water quality monitoring and quality assurance project planning. Elijah provided technical support to 8 NALEMP Tribes during this time.
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-The Tribe hired Elijah as an independent consultant to perform a NALEMP Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for the Eklutna Army Site.
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska NALEMP
-This regional non-profit and Tribe hired Elijah as an independent consultant to prepare NALEMP Phase 1 Site Assessments and eligibility determinations. 28 site investigation reports were prepared in southeast Alaska
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Chilkat Environmental wrote the Strategic Project Implementation Plan (SPIP), did planning and investigations of the Eklutna Army Site and conducted extensive documentation and clean-up.
Sitka Tribe of Alaska NALEMP
-Program eligibility investigations and newly reported impact reporting
Native Village of Point Hope
-NALEMP workplans and investigations to remove DoD debris from remote sites
Sitka Tribe of Alaska NALEMP
-Two Site Investigation Workplans for remote investigations at Clam and Abalone Islands
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Clean-up workplan and implementation: 168 buried drums with contents
-Workplan, implementation and report for drum dump soil characterization
-Hazardous waste and contaminated soil disposal from drum dump
-Eklutna Army Site burn pit investigation workplan, sampling and report
Sitka Tribe of Alaska NALEMP
Investigations and Site Activity Reports for Clam and Abalone Islands
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Groundwater investigation and soil characterization to close-out drum dump
Native Village of Atka NALEMP (APIA)
-Workplan, implementation and investigation report locating buried WW2 drums
Atqasuk Village Council NALEMP
-Phase 2 environmental site characterization including soil and water sampling
Native Village of Atka NALEMP (APIA)
-Strategic Project Implementation Plan. The Tribe and Chilkat Environmental did not follow the SPIP general format but instead developed our own format that made more sense and does a better job. Our innovative approach included sending Bruce and Elijah to visit and document each site instead of performing the customarily weak office generated SPIP. Chilkat prepared original high-resolution aerial photographs to describe each site and prepared recommendations for remedial response. Unlike most other SPIP’s we included all of the important environmental issues for the community. This includes non-DoD impacts. This comprehensive approach led to securing 3 million from FUDS and additional NALEMP resources to address the most important environmental issues in Atka. Atka is proud to share the document at
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Investigation of 5 potential eligible sites for military impacts and extensive environmental surveys
Naqsragmiut Tribal Council NALEMP (Anaktuvuk Pass)
-Chandler Lakes debris clean-up workplan for remote sites within National Park
Qawalangin Tribe NALEMP
-Employee sharing agreement to support Tribe’s completion of tasks
Native Village of Atka NALEMP (APIA)
-Hospital Creek water quality workplan, investigation and report
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Installation of groundwater well, soil sampling and preparation of final report
Qawalangin Tribe NALEMP
-Rommel Stake clean-up workplan
-Building 551 characterization workplan, investigation and report
-NALEMP Cooperative Agreement project management
Native Village of Atka NALEMP (APIA)
-Hospital Creek culvert removal permits and habitat restoration implementation
-Korovin Lake small arms ammunition investigation workplan and implementation
-Formal negotiation with DoD to re-determine eligibility for Puganax Creek for new CA
-Securing $3,000,000 from Department of Defence for the Cape Kudugnak site clean-up
-Tribal Council President Mark Snigaroff: (907) 839-2237)
Native Village of Eklutna NALEMP
-Prepare Strategic Project Implementation Plan and closeout report
-Lands Manager Marc Lamoreaux: (907) 688-6020